Meet Ginger

The first plush kettlebell toy for preschoolers

We are excited to be Sweaty Mommy Survival’s first corporate partnership and can’t share enough excitement about their newly launched Kettlemate ™ Kickstarter!

Napp is partnering with Sweaty Mommy Survival to launch our Summer Guide this season (stay tuned!) but in the meantime, we are super excited to share their Kettlemate with you and bring our community together in support of their Kickstarter journey!

Sweaty Mommy Survival, founded by the fabulous Erin Galloway, is an online community where moms can learn, grow, ask questions and build connections with other like-minded, unstoppable ladies. Their tribe is here to support you along with certified trainers, health and wellness experts, and other leaders in their field. They are here to equip you with the tools you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your children throughout all the stages of parenthood.

Join us in welcoming Ginger to the family!


“Our mom community at Sweaty Mommy Survival knows how easy it is for mothers of newborns and toddlers to get out of routine with their favorite form of fitness. We've been there! You're feeling pulled in 25 directions and spend far too long staring at a calendar trying to fit everything in! You eventually default into "survival mode," lose motivation to figure out a schedule that works, and your health becomes the lowest priority on the to-do list.“ - ERIN

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The Kettlemate ™ Family


By backing this Kickstarter campaign, you get to order the first Kettlemate ™ AND be the first to hear about a future line up of family-oriented products centered around helping parents establish healthy habits at home and on the go! 

Based on initial excitement about the Kettlemate™ , Erin began collaborating with other moms (and dads!) to create prototypes of an entire line of family-oriented workout guides, sensory stations, skill development charts and goal trackers. This game-changing original product line of “mommy & me" toys and games includes an entire line of plush fitness toys, travel games, books, and activity boxes. 


We just contributed, join us!