Bubble Painting


(Courtesy of The Dad Lab)

This art project allows lots of room for creativity and self expression (read: messy fun!). Feel free to omit the food dye if you would like to convert it to a “mess free” activity for the littlest of kiddos. These beautiful bubble prints make great greeting cards and wrapping paper.

What You’ll Need: 

  • Food coloring

  • Dish soap

  • Water

  • Large cups (one for each color)

  • Straws

  • White paper (experiment with different paper weights - heavy card stock is great for framing or making cards, thinner paper works well for creating wrapping paper for gifts)

To do:

  1. First, get your table ready for paint splatters by covering it. Newspaper, craft paper or even an old sheet will do just fine.

  2. Fill each cup with about a centimeter of dish soap mixed with a splash of water.

  3. Add a generous amount of food coloring to each cup and mix well with straws.

  4. Place all cups side by side. Blow into the cups to make a foam that bubbles out from the top.

  5. Place a sheet of paper lightly onto the foam so that some of the bubbles touch and color it.

  6. Take the sheet of paper away and see the bubble patterns! Repeat to cover the whole paper.

  7. Another way to make the bubble prints is to tol;t the cups and blow into them so that the foam comes out from the top and falls onto the piece of paper beneath.


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We want to see and all of your masterpieces!

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